

Managing buying groups and aggregating demand can be challenging—collecting, sharing information, staying updated, and making timely decisions all pose difficulties. hystrixconnect is designed to unlock efficiency in hospital and buying group management and streamline medical procurement processes. Integrated into our source-to-contract platform, it provides a user-friendly interface for both buying group members and sellers, simplifying workflows and offering a clear overview.

Opening member invitation and providing full basket status
Capture from the platform: the matrix of demand aggregation at the state of accepting buying group membership invitation
The collection of features that build up hystrixconnect aims to enhance connections in the following ways:

Unified Procurement

Combine purchasing power across related and unrelated institutions digitally, leading to improved negotiations and cost savings, while strengthening relationships between hospitals, suppliers, and service providers.

Simplified Vendor Management

Consolidate vendors and evaluate them transparently, fostering trust and accountability within the healthcare community.

Tailored Collaboration Workflows

Customize workflows to meet specific needs, facilitating seamless communication and collective decision-making.

Real-Time Updates

Stay updated with timely procurement notifications, ensuring efficient practices.

hystrixconnect: a collection of features at the hystricx platform to unlock efficiency in hospital and buying group management
Read the list of the core functionalities from collection of hystrixconnect-features:
  • Demand aggregation through buying group setups
  • Involvement of existing users or invitation of new ones for buying group creation
  • Direct communication through a chat option among buying group members and suppliers
  • Automated contract generation for individual buying group members
  • Dynamic negotiation and price adjustments
  • Download option for associated product information and regulatory data, among others.

Our dedicated team continuously works to optimize hystrixconnect, striving to create a more connected and efficient healthcare ecosystem. Join us and experience the benefits firsthand.

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